Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Baby's Laugh

Baby A laughed today. It's the third day since he began really laughing. The first day, it was me spitting my tongue out at him as we bounced on the yoga ball. Yesterday it was Daddy tickling him. Today, it was me pretending to gobble his stomach.

There's nothing like a baby's laughter to turn your day around.

Before I had Baby A, I would look up baby's laughing on YouTube when I had a bad day. Just a few seconds of a full baby belly laugh, and I'd feel better. A few seconds more, and I'd be giggling along with the kid.

It's something else when it's your own kid, though. Your stomach flip flops, and you get a catch in your throat as your entire spirit lifts. You find yourself laughing in spite of the spit up in your hair and the pain in your back. You repeat the action, whatever it was that got him going. There it is again. That laugh. It's a rush, and you'll do anything to get him to laugh again.

My kid's laughter is my drug.

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